Inspired by the impending release of How to Save the World for Free, staff at Laurence King Publishing have pledged to try lifestyle changes for LKP Green week!


Over 70 people are participating in LKP Green from Laurence King Publishing and its subsidiaries in 13 countries.

With this small-scale initiative, we’re hoping to significantly reduce our carbon output as individuals and become more aware and mindful of the consequences of our habits in the process.

As Natalie Fee writes in her book, 'saving the world is just a series of small steps along a winding path, not an overnight fix'. 


Some of us have committed to adopting energy-saving habits, some of us will be reducing the carbon impact of our commutes, some of us have sworn off single-use plastic, but most of us are experimenting with cutting out animal products.

We’ll be documenting our efforts on social media this week. See how we get on at #LKPGreen and join us on the 21st of October with a pledge of your own! Try a few lifestyle changes on for size – you never know which ones you'll end up sticking with for life!


An excerpt from How to Save the World for Free by Natalie Fee:
'If our motivation for saving the world stays rooted in fear, panic or anger, we risk not only harming ourselves but also shutting any windows that may have been open to the winds of change. Feel the feelings, let them shake you to your core and then channel them into positive action. And should you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of making so many changes in your life, just take it one step at a time, focusing first on what feels most doable. My guess is that those first small steps will feel so satisfying that you won't be able to stop yourself from taking another. And, maybe one more after that. Who knows where it'll take you?'


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